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Rich Flight


Rich started his ecological career teaching ecology and outdoor studies with outdoor education centres. 

He then transitioned into consultant ecology and spent several years providing ecological consultancy advice for developers, specialising in bat surveys and bat mitigation, as well working  on a variety of other projects, involving badgers, birds, amphibians and reptiles. 

He holds survey/disturbance licenses for bats (England, Wales and Scotland), great crested newts, white-clawed crayfish and barn owls.

Rich has experience applying for and obtaining European Protected Species Mitigation Licenses for bats in England, and is a Registered Consultant for the Bat Mitigation Class License.


During his time in ecological consultancy, Rich built on his previous teaching experience by delivering adult professional development training, including tutoring LANTRA accredited courses for the Bat Conservation Trust.


Rich is an enthusiastic trainer who makes learning interesting using personal experience and a wealth of ecological knowledge.

Ecological Surveys: Project
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