Many building developments require the need for a bat survey, such as barn conversions, house extensions or extensive redevelopments. It is important that bat surveys are undertaken thoroughly and professionally, otherwise the discovery of unforeseen bats can cause complications to a development project.
With over 10 years of experience dealing with bats, including bat surveys, providing bat mitigation and obtaining bat licenses, we provide quality pragmatic advice on bat related planning issues in the UK.
Developments involving a landscape project often require bird surveys to establish whether any protected or nesting birds are present on site.
We are experienced at carrying out a range of bird surveys, including breeding birds surveys, wintering bird surveys, barn owl surveys (under the appropriate survey license ), and vantage point surveys.
After an initial Ground Level Tree Inspection, we will climb any trees that have good potential for bats and ascertain presence or likely absence of bats from a close inspection with a video endoscope. The majority of features can be ruled out following these checks, something that cannot be done from the ground.
With 7 years of climbing experience (including hundreds of trees climbed and numerous bat roosts found), we have the required knowledge and experience to make an informed assessment of the likelihood of bats being present and advise accordingly.
As a protected species in the UK, the damage of great crested new breeding and dwelling habitat is an offence. Developments that may affect this habitat would require a survey.
Licensed to survey great crested newts in England, we can provide the required surveys to fulfill planning application requirements and offer objective and practical advice on mitigation requirements.