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Professional bird surveys for developments and project monitoring in Cumbria, Lancashire, Yorkshire and the North of England


Many developments in the UK require bird surveys. Following a phase 1 survey, you may be required to have a bird survey undertaken. This could include breeding bird surveys, wintering bird surveys or vantage point surveys.  


All UK birds are protected whilst nesting. This is usually between March and August (inclusive). 


In addition, some birds are offered further protection during the breeding season under schedule 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act. These include barn owls, goshawks and little ringed plover.



Flight Ecology have over 15 years of bird surveying experience including breeding bird surveys, wintering bird surveys and more targeted surveys, such as barn owl surveys, hen harrier surveys, plover surveys and wetland bird surveys..


At Flight Ecology we have a barn owl survey license that allows us to undertake inspection surveys of locations with barn owl nests. This type of survey is often required for barn conversions or rural housing developments.


We also have experience as Ecological Clerk of Works, dealing with bird issues on development sites, including undertaking nesting bird checks, pre-commencement bird surveys and compliance bird surveys.



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Based in Cumbria, Flight Ecology are not just restricted to Cumbria, Lancashire and the North-west but can help you to carry out bird surveys all over the country.

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