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Rich Flight

Flight Ecology have a wealth of experience carrying out tree surveys for bats. Our staff possess both English, Welsh and Scottish bat licences and CS38 Tree Climbing and Aerial Rescue certificates. 


Having been involved in several large infrastructure projects, including HS2, major A-roads, pipeline projects and powerline projects, Flight Ecology have climbed and inspected hundreds of trees and located numerous bat roosts. 



After carrying out a Ground Level Tree Assessment to establish the potential bat roost features, we will climb the trees to inspect the potential roost features for bats or evidence of bats. 


Trees inspections are performed with high quality endoscopes that record the internal conditions of the feature and any bats that might be roosting within it.

If you are involved in a project where trees will be affected, an assessment of them for bats will be required. 


Aerial inspections are quicker, more comprehensive and more reliable than emergence surveys for bats, and therefore are the most successful way of assessing potential roost features for bats.

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