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All UK bats are protected species and therefore if your development will affect bats or their roosts then it is likely that a license will be required to permit the development to continue.


Flight Ecology are experienced at obtaining European Protected Species Mitigation (EPSM) Licenses as well as being a Natural England Registered Consultant, able to list a site under the Bat Mitigation Class License system. We can therefore help you to obtain the relevant bat license permissions.

Under English laws (slight variations in other UK countries), it is an offence to;

  • Deliberately capture, injure or kill a bat;

  • Intentionally or recklessly disturb a bat in its roost or deliberately disturb a group of bats;

  • Damage or destroy a bat roosting place (even if bats are not occupying the roost at the time);

  • Possess or advertise/sell/exchange a bat (dead or alive) or any part of a bat;

  • Intentionally or recklessly obstruct access to a bat roost;

Where works are likely to impact a bat roost, there are generally three potential courses of action;


Bat Method Statement

Under a Bat Method Statement, avoidance is key. We will help you to devise a work schedule and method of works that avoids the impacts to bats.

If works can be planned for a time that bats are not present, and the roost itself will not be destroyed or otherwise damaged, then works may be able to continue without a license.

This usually involves a pre-works check from an ecologist, a toolbox talk for the contractors, and possible supervision of works by the ecologist.

However, should any bats be found during works then it is likely that operations would need to stop and a license obtained.

Bat Mitigation Class License (BMCL)

Where a development will impact low numbers of common bat species, it migt be possible to register te site under the BMCL (often referred to a Low Impact License).

In order for a site to qualify, the development would need to;

  • Impact no more than three bat roosts;

  • Impact no more than three bat species;

  • Impact only relatively common bat species (common & soprano pipisrelle, brown long-eared, whiskered, Brandt's, Daubenton's, and Natterer's);

  • Only affect day, feeding, night and/or transitional roosts;

  • Not impact any maternity or hibernation roosts;

BMCL licenses are quicker and cheaper to obtain, and therefore reduce the impacts of needing to obtain a license.


European Protected Species Mitigation License (EPSML)

This is the traditional license required for impacts to bats. It can be used to permit works to any type of roost of any species.


An application (similar to a planning application) will be put together by your ecologist and sent to Natural England for approval.

You will need to commit to measures that will minimise impacts to the bats as well as mitigation for any residual impacts. This could involve restrictions on timing, working methods, and materials.

Flight Ecology are experienced in obtaining these licenses and will assist you in the application and any further correspondence with Natural England.

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